Walking Tacos
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  • 1 lb Hamburger
  • 1 Pkg Taco Seasoning
  • 1 Small Onion
  • Chopped Lettuce
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Black Olives-Sliced
  • Chopped Tomato
  • Sour Cream-or Dressing of your choice
  • Salsa
  • 1 oz Bag of Doritos


  1. Brown hamburger and onion, drain.
  2. Add Taco Seasoning according to directions.
  3. Let simmer until taco seasoning is absorbed.
  4. Take your Dorito bag and press together smashing the chips.
  5. Turn the bag on it’s side and cut the top off with a pair of scissors.
  6. Add your Hamburger mixture along with all/any of the toppings you desire.
  7. Take a plastic fork and enjoy!